Saturday, October 10, 2009

Ticked off over the events of Oct 09 09

What took place yesterday really bothers me. No I am not talking about whether or not Obama deserves a Nobel Peace Prize. I am more concerned with the fact that NASA spent 78 million of taxpayers dollars to shoot 2 bombs at the moon to try and determine if there is water on the dark side of the moon. In my opinion if the dark side is frozen then there must be at least a minuscule amount of moisture there.

I am not even that concerned about the money spent because by now we should all be accustomed to our government wasting our tax dollars. What worries me most is what effect it could have on our environment. The Chaos Theory exposes us to the Butterfly Effect which is the idea that the flutter of a butterfly wing could cause small changes in the atmosphere that could eventually change the course of a weather pattern such as a tornado or typhoon. Basically saying that even the smallest actions or events can have a larger effect on the universe as it travels through the web of life that connects us all.

So, if something small as a butterfly can change the pattern of a typhoon, what could result by bombing the celestial body that actually controls the tides here on earth. It seems that mankind has no concern for cause and effect and will not stop until he has destroyed himself and this planet. I pray that one day we will realize before it is too late that we are all connected and that what ever we do affects the entire universe.